Monday, September 20, 2010

What went wrong?

Having to be told to be in the moment, is a sign of my disconnection.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Reminder that you're Alive

In a strange sick way, pain is what reminds us that we are most alive-be it physical,mental or emotional. And if we are able to adapt to this concept, things will get better :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hello, Truth

I checked into hotel Reality last night, and woke up in another world.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Transtioning into Clarity

Did you find yourself stalled in this fragment of time, when you find yourself clogged up in an infinite array of questions?
And try with alll your might to find a resolution-an answer that will supposedly reach a finale?
I wonder, about those rare moment we get tangled with, where we become so uncertain to the next steps, due to the battle between the mind and the emotions. This battle, is linked to the notion of 'connection', instinct- when we detect some form of certainty,sparked out of no-where, should we really act upon it?
When you find yourself lured into a situation that ignites inner undefined,emotions, are we really suppose to follow-up with immediate actions, before the moment passes?
Remember that time,when you met a stranger in the most unusual scenario, and then felt like you had just encountered the most intense vibration of a connection that is perfectly alligned in that spilt second?
What did you do?
Did you react,and made sure you made full use of fulfilling a desire?
I find it disappointing to see how we are absolutely willing to let go of a supposed precious moment, in defence of emotion and scepticism, where we remain in disbelief of the possiblity of utopia. We reject the idea of serenity, only because we were trained so very well to realize the necessity of hardship and pain, the case of not attaining our dreams-because that it's what keeps us in balance,and in line with what the imperfections of life are suppose to contain.
I think its sad, that you had to forgo the opportunity of ultimate highness, and just disregard a particular moment due to our caged -up mentalities. We are led to think that we should't reach the peak,without suffering. We are not suppose to attain higher level of awareness, because doubts are needed to be there, for the sake of sanity.
Well, I think this itself, will drive me up the walls, and straight into the state of being JADED.
I don't care what society says,and that is a scary thought sometimes. Detachment is ideal but a tough task to pursue most times, but we seek for it anyway.
I reckon its time to leave it up to you, whether or not you will step up and take the desired actions at those parcticular moments where it feels most right, and just do it..
because if its not now, then when?