Monday, February 22, 2010


It's rather comforting to think that the universe sends you these signals, and spotting them is a form of guidance into the right state of mind. Coincidences are relative, but its just so much nicer to make meaning out of them as though its a mathematical equation that will eventually lead to the right answer ======== ?

I also see it as weakness, that we feel the need to be consoled. We need to know that life is not oblivious and that everything else around us are actually connected and complements each other.
Every action made is relevant to the consequences after.
I'd like a reset button, i'd like several buttons, all these switches that gives me a point of termination.
one button to reset all my senses of "logic" and "reason".
another button to reset my "emotions" that never needed explanations.
Other buttons for the system, believes,faiths, religion, society, truths, rules. ...
..everything. almost like rebirth, but far from what we had ever known.
How crazy would that be?All i can think of is some sort of explosion, due to overwhelming awareness.
I'd also like one 'replay' button, that will give me every second of my past experiences. It seems that these flashbacks that we depend on are segmented and thus, our memory is not reliable after all.Think back about some of your favourite moments, and try to recall the details within that particular hour. Time is such a tricky game that constitutes our entire being. i wonder, where are all those seconds and minutes that we were once present in? Why can't i remember how i felt?Or what i thought? Are we secretly capable of time travel?
I wonder.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Rock music in Montevideo by the sea..outdoor music festivals are the best. we need more in malaysia :(

All this hard work of learning and discovery gets me thinking about all those the years we spend from the day we were born till the very present. Every time we think we know something, that we have learned from our experiences and will use it for the better of tomorrow, it easily becomes worthless. One moment you´re aware of your life and the world and how you want to live, and the next? you go back to a different beginning of your aimlessness. I don´t know if its because its easy to forget, or rather because Change is prominent in our lives. I worry about getting old, not merely for physicality but also for our ways of succumbing. I look at our parents or the elder ones and how they live their lives, and i can´t help but wonder, had they forgotten their desires and chose to succumb?
DId they lose out on the big game and gave in their souls to the mechanisms of society?
Or am i about to discover that life is just the same and that all these differences i imagine is merely a state of mind?
Old cities are the best to discover:Mural in Montevideo

And then when we travel, we see different perspectives and thus,different ways of growing old...of living. that´s when I am reassured that there is possibility to choose a life that you want to live. you just have to have the balls to do so.To not feel the pressure of being out casted. To feel strong alone.150 year old Teatro Solis!Amazing building and was privileged to catch a dance contemporary piece in Spanish.

Birthdays are strange.
We celebrate our birth,our existence, but truth be told,i can´t remember how it felt the second I was born. I don´t know if anyone else does. i just know that on this day, I came to earth and began a process of "development".
Lately, these epiphanies i endure are reminding me to go easy on expectations. You see, the excitement of traveling comes when you step into a whole new world as a first timer. thats when your energy is on full charged mode and you are gamed for ANYTHING. Now, when you travel, but to places that is not too far from what you know, or have experienced? The situation becomes different. You are more calm and relaxed, and find steady ways to deepen your experiences. In fact, you have the space to associate it with the surroundings back "home", in which we claim to be a part of who we are.
The pier in Punta Del Este, sunset colours and gorgeous boats. i love how the water reflects light after a certain hour.

So yes,celebrating from a window overlooking the sea of "playa brava" and a hazy dark storm clouded in the skies of Punta Del Este. While the world imagines me to be gushing my heart out with substances and moments. I´m taking it easy this round(well,the day is not over.grin.). Ultimately, celebrating in Sudamerica and that idea itself, is a moment worthy enough.