Wednesday, May 30, 2007

What is insanity?

Would the world be a better place if mankind are subjected to unconditional autonomy?
Not simply cheap talk of 'freedom' or 'independence'.
But the right to act and behave as they please.
If there was one particular reality I long to engage in is..
the 'crazy' dude who just passed by your car.
the bloke who has probably never changed his outfit for days.
the woman who does a kung-fu stance in the middle of the street (whilst facing her opponent:the stray dog)
the person who dares to stare at you like there's no tomorrow.
in which u probably don't have the balls to return the gaze.
the man who fulfills the similar task as our 'faithful' MPPJ buddies.
picking up your shits.
never gets paid like the others.
finding joy in your trash.
their version of assets i guess.
what's important to you, is bullshit to them.
question is, are they truly so distant,
so far away from the 'normal' society?
or, are they a reflection of 'free-willy'?
merely a representation of your hidden 'freedom'?

*thought: freedom= overrated.idealistic for most.

~Vibe: Ministry of Sound: 2002 Ibiza chill-out.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


running at a fast pace,
feel your heart thumping.
tearing your chest open.

Up the hill,
feel your legs stinging.
muscles tightening.

Reach the peak..
survey around.
no one else but you,
and 'world' you know of.
Everything else distant.

scream so loud..
SO piercing..
Roar if you must.
no room for the monotonousness.

Till you're breathless.
Out of air.
Feel your throat burning.
Voice cracking.

Tears streaming..
Head pounding.
Body static.
Face numbed.
Today, you live.

*all graphics are taken from a range of sources.unless stated otherwise.

~Vibe: Theatre of Tragedy

Saturday, May 26, 2007


for what is kept away.
for the perennial curiosity.
for the undying need to know.
for the ludicrousness.
for the tolerance.
for the ambiguity.
for the stupidity.
for the unnecessary emotions.
for the irony.
for the truth that is not met.
for the weakness.
for the queasiness.
for sanity.

*words for storytelling.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Keep Breathing, and stand a chance to win 'Life choices'.

"You just wanne be sad"
..does the sentence ring a bell?

Ladies and gentlemen,presentinggg....the 'Make-your-own-Reality" game show.
The game is fairly simple.
First of all, audiences need to understand the main objectives of this game:

To shape and mold one's life,in other words,creating a favorable version of reality.

Upon participation, here are some of the rules of the game:

-Reality is a myth,it is a non-physical feature in which we are able to grasp,analyze and modify.
-What you desire will be derived through the simple process of imagination,determination and faith.
-what you despise or fear will only come to haunt you so long as you believe in it.
-The positive energy will result to satisfying opportunities, achievements and awards.
-the negative energy will slam you with an additional weight of disastrous events.
-Feelings are merely a state of mind, whereby you are the master of the game.

When you indulge too much, when you bear to much comfort in where u hide, you have successfully created your own barrier..
Which stops you from crossing the borders.
Borders that keeps you 'safe' from what is 'wrong'.
Barb wires that secludes you from the 'outside'.
Walls that trap you away from the beyond ordinary.
One becomes stagnant.

standing motionless.

you become lost and bluntly unaware that things in life still passes by.
With or without you.

The trick of the game is simple apparently...
you are what you make of yourself.
you form your very own self.
You create your own tracks to walk on.

So,if you're currently stuck somewhere,somewhere,somehow out there...snap out of it..
No one if going to stop for you, so keep moving..

*note: -Writing is fiction.
-and As always, actions speak louder than words.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

CloudBreak: For all you ArtSy-farts out there..

So,i got this email from Priya asking for free-publicity through our respective sites..(lol)so here it is.(Gasp!Priya!ur on the papers today!)i'm too lazy to write about it so here's the site and a brief info:

Cloudbreak works with young people to expose them to vital life skills through imaginative exercises. These modules stimulate and sharpen young minds improve memory, build self-confidence, organize thoughts and articulate ideas.
..for more information:

Friday, May 11, 2007

A Pseudo-World..

how many times have you plastered a smile across your face when you meet someone,despite the shitty day your going through?
yes.the fake smile.the mythical 'happiness'.the illusionary joy.

why do people strive so hard to prolong such damaging habits?

we are so bounded by rules and norms. the 'right' way of living,they say.the 'ideal' steps into a normal life.

doesn't that mean that we are for-going our true self?the truth of your emotions from within?

When you're feeling fucked up,why do you force yourself into a smile?


you tell me.

don't people get tired of it?or get freaking sick of the repetitions.

you are the greatest mockery to your self.

a fuckin joke.

wouldn't life be much easier if there was pure honesty and truth.the 'right' answer from whats within.

is it real?

i don't know.

it is time for mankind to generate a larger sense of understanding..empathy,maybe.

that way,there's no need for one to hide the true emotions of the self.

be straight-forward.

fuck all the 'being nice' and 'kind' shits.

it is nothing but a waste of time.

wake up people?

these continuous lies and denial will only bring you further from where you can actually be.
if you have something to say to someone,just let it out already.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Another Melody..

"When you slowly close your eyes
Replay the moment in your mind
Breathe in and give it away
Breathe out and give it away
When you slowly close your eyes
Replay the moment in your mind
Breathe in and give it away
Breathe out and give it away"
heres another tune i recommend when your driving fast on the street..put it on a good volume(loud)..and just drive and makes the road YOURs.the journey gives a feeling..a feeling for you to just go ahead and do it..just press on the accelarator and go.No looking turning back.
there's only one way to everything pass you by.meaningless objects.a fragile being in a fragile creation...atempting to move like the speed of light..Come with me again into this other journey..