Thursday, July 26, 2007

Role Playing


..that our everyday life is almost as if it represents a stage performance.(personally,i think IT IS a staged act).One moment you find yourself contented with the familiarity you have with you inner thoughts and principles. The next moment, you find yourself behaving in ways that you never thought you would.
At various occasions we own different masks and costumes to play around with.
You...did many things which was very questionable.
You began to make jokes which you once thought was extremely un-funny.
You started to engage in games(not literally) you thought you would never play.
You started giving a shit about unnecessary issues.
You got caught-up with the 'in-thing'--simply to blend in with others.
You participated in activities that was never really in your list of interest.
You spoke--and the words that came out was merely what the other person wanted to hear.
You smiled and laughed--and you realize that the joy was never really there.

You knew which person to be at the right moment.
Adaptation they say.
We are 'animals' after all aren't we?


...that eventually acting becomes a 'job' we find ourselves committed to.
when you try to hard to maintain what you think you know of realize that that ' thing' you held on to was nothing but fragility.
Suddenly, in the midst of your daily activities,you paused for a moment.Stepped out of the situation and look down upon your own being.
..and you say, " did i become this person..."

...that 'role playing' is ideally one of human's talent.
you become confused of whether there is a real or fake after all.
you get carried away that it becomes an addiction to 'be somebody else'.
you use it as a tool to get away with things or simply, for self-advantage.
you gain paranoia and suspicion of the world around you.
you gain the power to create emotions at different places and time.

...that there's a possibility that in the end of the day,we are all here just to make USE of each other.
In so many ways----for self-interest.
Think hard.

I guess one does not really need to attend acting classes if ever interested in drama lessons.
All you have to do is to look within your inner-self......


machfairy said...

life is indeed a stage.

an actor is only as good as his tools.

a sad fact, but i guess at some level, we all have no choice but to become actors.

we just have to make sure we don't put on an Oscar-worthy performance.

nadzirahashim said...

i totally agree with this post.

we are all actors.

though some are much much better at acting than others.

like me! hehe. i deserve a golden globe or better, an academy award. in fact i should start an acting career altogether since one minute i can be a total nerd and the next minute a total hot chick and then morph into an orang laut too...haaa apa lagi? nurse? hehehe.

Anonymous said...
