Monday, March 23, 2009

A Visitor

I was in my room on a fairly normal Sunday evening when i heard the shrieks of the ladies in the house.
"there it is,there it is!!",they yelled.
"its going up!its headed there..!" they continued.
And So,curious ol' me decided to take a peek out of my window just to see what the fuss was all about.And then i saw it.I glanced to the left side to see a grey-ish slim-fluffy-long-thing that lingered around the grill.
My eyes followed the fluffy trail,only to discover a almost-human-like face staring back and me.
I was stunned for a moment and took a mini-leap backwards.
To join in the fuss, I barged out the room and bellowed,"THE MONKEY IS HERE!OUTSIDE MY WINDOW!"
After which the family made their way upstairs into my room.
While i was waiting for their arrival,i stared intently into the monkeys eyes.Perhaps it was the fact that the monkey had appeared out of no-where that i felt shivers down my spine.I couldn't help but ponder on the possibility of it attacking me,while I'm asleep.
When i looked below the monkey's body,i noticed a waist-band tied around its body.
"So it belongs to somebody",i thought to myself.
The monkey didn't take it eyes off me.I froze,while it started crawling nearer.So close,up until its face was almost pressing onto the glass.
"Hm mmmmmmmmmmmmm...",i thought.
Finally,the gang was all up in my room,and so i switched on the lights outside,which then made a clearer view of the monkey.
(And also,a private part of my room which was rather embarrassing because everyone just stood there,staring into the monkey when my 'secret' object was left there,EXPOSED!!)
It was fairly well-taken care of,we thought.I mean,I've never seen a 'dirty' monkey before,but this one sure looked clean.or rather,groomed?
The monkey remained in its position as though it was exhibiting itself under the lights,while we,the spectators continued staring.
After a while,i got bored and said,"maybe if u just switch off the lights and close the curtain,it would eventually go away".
And so we did,and within minutes,it was gone.
It got me thinking,where on earth this this lost-monkey appeared from?Despite the panic that struck the family,i was pretty sure i could see the fear in the monkey's eyes as well.
I mean sure,the human side reacts only by assuming like every other non-human creatures,there's a chance that the monkey might attack.
But then,damn!If i was the monkey,I'd be shitting all over in fear to see all these weird-like faces gawking into my direction.
Safe journey to you,monkey!


lee wei said...

that must have been a really strange sunday!

btw, was it peter rabbit? hehehehheheheheh

Doreen said...

i wanted to ask what object.

then i saw the above comment on peter rabbit, and here am i LOL-ing too. was it, was it??

Doreen said...

oh, yeah. ttdi has a lot of monkeys. maybe it wandered to the next taman kut.

Unknown said...

tem:yeah man..monkey random.
doreen:a bit the far to travel fr ttdi right?plus,it had a waist-bband,like one of those ppl use to pick coconuts?
both of u:PETER RABBIT!!!!!!!!aiyoooooooo,damn burn man.