Thursday, October 30, 2008

"Cause everything looks perfect ....."

...."from far away, come down now......."

If it weren't for technological advancements of picture-taking and video-recordings, would we have the same sense of appreciation for those 'past moments' that had once made a difference in our lives?
in our everyday quest in which we hunt for that 'meaning' and 'purpose' in our respective lives, we ever so often not realize that we ARE in fact, gradually collecting those pieces of reasoning that substantiates our believe system.
When we rewind those winding thoughts, you realize..
It is those precious little fragments
that steals a frown away.
and cracks into a sudden smile.

To those 'special ones' who had once shared "such great heights" with thy soul....

...may these 'once upon a time' great wonders assist us as we continue bouncing off each passing cloud.

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