It seems no matter how much u travel, the satisfaction is merely momentary. Its so contradictory to how I find peace in the furthest parts away from my comfort zone. And then there are those many times, when I find so much security just staying stagnant here in this little world.
All these beauty I've seen and not have the words to repaint the picture seem to kill me in some ways. why is there a need to share these experiences? Collectively,these encountered moments assist us in these so-called enlightened route. But,there are far too many routes to choose from and then,you just end up taking whatever that comes along.
We imagine ourselves to move with the consequences of every action taken and call it, "going with the flow". maybe we just hate to tie down our options eve when we find one. maybe we love the infinite possibilities out there, that we rather stay lost. We whine about confusion without realizing that we crave for it in the beginning.
We find serenity only to break it for more wearies.
Funny beings we are, especially when we summarize these thoughts and say, "that's just life,right?"
ever so simplified, ever so complex.
Byron bay was magical, even without the good words they had put into that place, I'm pretty sure i would have felt the same vibe as I had. I found a way to believe that there's magic in some places in this world. What was amazing was that, after walking around the town the entire day.I grabbed a bunch of brochures and one particular booklet, which was labeled 'Rusty Byron Bay' (or something like that). There's also pieces about that place that had brought memories of Key west.
After I got back to Coolangatta, i read the booklet,and was so amazed to find a couple of articles in there,written by some of those people who had lived in Byron since they first set their foot there. believe it or not, they crafted words that had described the feeling i had when i was there.
I don't know if its a coincidence, but there's definitely got to be something special there. Because not only in those booklet,but compared to the other description of tourist spots, something similar was always mentioned about that place.
maybe i'm delusional.
maybe it's merely a universal language in the surfer world.
maybe its the hippie-ness that spoke the same emotions.
1 comment:
Byron Bay is a hippy town. SO AWESOME. Me and Raz were like, lets move here maaaannn.. hehe...nice photos btw!
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