Friday, February 13, 2009

Access to Virtual-world denied.

There's just too much to look-out for when u live in a city...Why is it that all these expectations that we strive for become so meaningless on some days?

I'm thinking,time is ticking by the seconds as my fingers tap on to each letter tab.
god forbid these great movies made.
i truly respect these people who drew up stories that had attracted our largest sense of empathy.
Mr. Benjamin button would say, 'nothing is eternal'.
the idea of time and how it moves towards one way of progress as to how we understand it. what were to happen if this 'progress' had been re-arranged in a way that we had never really been in term with?
should that be a depressing thought or a gratitude to the art of change.
I'm imagining..
life to be evaluated not through the change of physicality that comes with time,
but rather through the amount of experiences and moments we gather,
that eventually defines who we are.
that answers the reason to where we stand.
if civilisation had not been educating us of these 'ways of living', would turning a year older be yet another day of Hanukkah or Christmas?
i wonder,
would our deepest kept worries of physical deterioration still be an issue?

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