Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Addicted to the Stage.

"now I understand why you guys do it,"she says.

And I just smiled back knowingly.
its always a good feeling when they(people.somebody.someone.) "GET IT".
Get what your trying to say.
Get what you felt.
what u thought.
what u experienced.
maybe in their own perspective,but still.
they GET IT.
and thus, Sharing becomes an easy task to do.
because all u need is that right vibe of somebody who understands whatever the hell you're trying to say.

The stage.
seen in darkness and light.
of vision and blindness.
in fear and courage.
of strength and weakness.
in calm and panic.
of worries and ease.
in center and off-balanced.
of focus and distractions.

mixed emotions.
b a l a n c e d.
you just Got to love it.

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